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Josie Gibson interviewed First Bus Everyday Heroes

Get Tae: Scots make the least friendships on the bus

  • Only one in five (19%) Scots have made long-lasting friendships with people they have met on the bus – the lowest of all regions surveyed.
  • 82% of Scots feel public transport plays an important role in connecting communities.
  • Glaswegians are friendlier than people in Edinburgh.
First Glasgow's first fully EV bus launched in January 2020

First Bus teams up with Glasgow and Aberdeen businesses to spread kindness citywide throughout November

  • Throughout November, First Bus is partnering with a variety of local businesses in Glasgow and Aberdeen to spread kindness by offering free items.
  • People in Glasgow and Aberdeen are invited to enjoy complimentary items each day as a thank-you for their loyalty and to show support for the cities’ small businesses.

First Bus offers free travel to military, cadets and veterans to celebrate Armed Forces Day

  • Free travel to events on Saturday 29 June.
  • Ex-military employees at First Bus encouraged to wear uniform while in service
  • June adds special significance to events following the 80th Anniversary of D-Day
First Bus Glasgow EV

First Glasgow announces increase in frequency for services 2 and 3

  • The bus operator is making changes that will increase the frequency of buses on both routes, offering an improved service for over 600,000 people per month in Glasgow.
George Bowie Catch the Summer First Bus

George Bowie surprises locals with impromptu Glasgow gig

  • Popular Radio and GBX DJ launches summer playlist to encourage Glaswegians to explore their city by bus
Danielle McLaren - Door

First Bus praised for doubling female workforce since 2017

  • First Bus is included in Close the Gap’s 2023 gender pay gap reporting assessment
  • It highlights long-term action First Bus has taken to tackle barriers faced by women in male-dominated roles.
  • Introduction of part-time bus driver roles has resulted in 50% of new hires being women, a huge increase from 2% in 2017.