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First Bus and Stagecoach announce free Aberdeen weekend bus travel throughout January
- First Bus and Stagecoach will offer free travel across Aberdeen city and shire every weekend in January.
- Both operators are reinvesting the savings from the introduction of the new bus gates in the city to benefit customers.

First Bus offers free travel to mark Remembrance weekend
- All veterans and Armed Forces personnel to travel for free in Aberdeen

A million Aberdeen bus passengers experience better journeys thanks to new city centre bus priority
- Almost 600,000 bus passengers a month are now experiencing better journeys.
- Figures from First Aberdeen and Stagecoach show measurable benefits for bus passengers following the introduction of bus gates in August.
- North East Bus Alliance meet with Transport Minister Fiona Hyslop to showcase Bus Partnership Fund work to date.

First Bus offers 50% off tickets for next four weeks in Aberdeen
- First Bus is giving customers in Aberdeen 50% off its 3-in-7 bundle ticket.
- The promotion encourages Aberdonians to switch from car to bus a little more often.
- The discount will be in place for four weeks from today, 14 September.

Bus-y day for local families as First Aberdeen marks milestone year
- First Aberdeen celebrated serving the city for a landmark 125 years
- Thousands of locals attended the Family Open Day last weekend
- Aberdonians across the city enjoyed ‘125 acts of kindness’ throughout August

First Aberdeen partners with local businesses to celebrate 125 years of public transport in the city
- First Aberdeen will do four giveaways throughout August
- Gifts will range from ice cream to coffee to football tickets
- Family Open Day taking place on 26th August

George Bowie surprises locals with impromptu Aberdeen gig
- Popular Radio and GBX DJ launches summer playlist to encourage Aberdonians to explore their city by bus